This spinach-packed vegan Spanakopita recipe is quick and easy to make with tofu or vegan feta cheese and filo dough or pastry puffs. It bakes up light...
This is seriously the best vegan cream cheese you will ever eat! Rich, creamy, and cheesy -no one will guess that you made it yourself! With just...
This easy vegan strawberry cream cheese is made from tofu and fresh strawberries in just minutes, and it turns an ordinary bagel into a delicious meal. With...
These easy vegan cheese fries are the ultimate comfort food made without dairy! Crispy vegan french fries topped with 5-minute vegan cheese sauce, and your choice of...
This is the all-time best cheesy vegan sauce that you can use for everything! It whips up in 5 minutes and you can pour it on nachos,...
This vegan BBQ chicken pizza is my family’s go-to pizza night meal! Slightly sweet vegan BBQ sauce topped with vegan cheese, green peppers, and BBQ soy curls...