These easy vegan donut holes are deep-fried to perfection and then dusted with cinnamon and sugar for the classic old-fashioned donut flavor in every bite. Why make...
These vegan cranberry orange muffins with a hint of spice are perfect for a special occasion or just a lazy Sunday morning. Dried cranberries, orange flavor, and...
This 1-pot vegan mushroom risotto is rich and creamy, full of flavor, and easy to make. Made with just a few simple ingredients like mushrooms, garlic, and...
These gluten-free, vegan, quinoa stuffed peppers are loaded with flavor and protein from plant-based sausage and quinoa. This veggie-packed meal is sure to satisfy, plus it’s great...
These vegan egg bites are just like the Starbucks ones but made without meat, eggs, or dairy. These bite-sized egg muffins are packed with veggies, making the...
This cauliflower potato leek soup is creamy and delicious! No one will guess that it’s dairy-free, gluten-free, and vegan. Why make this recipe This vegan cauliflower potato...