This seitan corned beef has an authentic meaty texture and is bursting with flavor! Your friends and family won’t believe that it’s vegan and made from vital...
These healthy spinach muffins are a delicious kid-friendly treat, yet they’re packed with bananas and tons of spinach. Whatever you want to call them, whether it’s hulk...
Vegan beef stroganoff is the ultimate veggie comfort food! This quick and easy stroganoff is rich, creamy, and satisfying, plus it is loved by even the pickiest...
This easy, creamy, vegan chicken broccoli casserole is pure vegan comfort food! Based on the traditional Southern-style poppyseed chicken, this vegan version adds broccoli and uses dairy-free...
These easy blender oatmeal cups are the easiest way to prep a healthy breakfast that the whole family will love. Make these baked oatmeal cups in any...
This creamy vegetable soup is packed with healthy veggies and pureed into a delicious creamy soup that the whole family will love! This creamy veggie soup is...