If you are looking for a perfect vegan carrot cake recipe, this is it! I’ve made this carrot cake countless times for birthdays, and holidays. I even used this recipe...
This is truly the best vegan French toast you will ever eat! Unlike many vegan French toast recipes that use gritty flax seed and gloppy corn starch...
This vegan grasshopper pie is a vintage frozen mint pie made with Creme de Menthe liquor in a chocolate cookie crumb crust. If you like mint and...
Aquafaba whipped cream is light and fluffy vegan whipped cream that is gluten-free, soy-free, and nut-free too! You will be shocked by how amazingly delicious it tastes! ...
This tofu ricotta is a vegan ricotta cheese substitute that will blow you away! Use this nut-free vegan ricotta in place of traditional ricotta in any recipe. ...
This is the ultimate vegan cheddar cheese sauce! Quick and easy yet free of dairy, oil, nuts, and gluten. This sauce has a rich and creamy texture and the sharpness of real...